How To Travel With Only One Bag

This year I visited a few friends in Brisbane while only carrying one duffle bag.
I'm planning to do future trips with the same idea.
Why One Bag?
As Chris Williamson says in his ad read,
"Check-in luggage is a psyop. Meant to keep you poor and late."
There are a few feelings like immediately walking off the plane and heading off to where you need to go.
Manoeuvrability. Less weight. More time.
How To Pack
Pack only what you need.
Rather than telling you what to pack, ask the following questions:
"How often will I use this?"
"Is this a necessity?"
"Can I buy more of this if I need to, over there?"
(Clothes, underwear, shoes, socks, kindle, headphones, laptop were my answers)
How To Own Less Shit
Sell it, or throw it away.
Attachment to certain objects create pain.
I think of that one episode from Adventure Time when Jake explains to Finn about his favourite coffee mug.
"Being crazy is hard. You're getting all hung up. All hung up on imaginary problems. You gotta focus on what's real, man. You see this cup? This is literally my favourite cup.
*Breaks window*
Now it's gone forever. So it's not real and I don't care about it anymore.